Friday, April 8, 2011

Accepting the Inevitable

I'm finally starting my own blog.  It was inevitable.  Four reasons:

(1) My wife kept saying I should.

(2) I'm attending the Band of Bloggers conference in conjunction with the Gospel Coalition National Conference next week.  All participants will receive 17 books worth a total of $237 (I only paid something like $25 to attend).  The conference's organizers hope that the bloggers will read and review these books and hence introduce them to a wider audience.

(3) Writing clarifies one's thoughts.

(4) Several bloggers, most of whom I have never met, have ministered to me in various ways over the past few years.  I would be delighted if I could likewise benefit other readers.

Bilbo's Birthday will be devoted to books, particularly books I'm reading.  I've always been a bibliophile, so I might as well write about my own interests.  Hopefully I'll give regular posts of book reviews and reading in general.

By the way, Bilbo Baggins' birthday falls on September 22, as does Frodo's.  The lover of books knows these types of things.  And puts them on his calendar.


  1. Hooray!

    I like the blog title. It's nerdy, just like you.

  2. You go Brother! Will be checking back often!

  3. Well, well, well...the chickens have come to roost. After years of scoffing, you have finally entered the blog world. Welcome...I have been looking forward to this for some time.

  4. I like books and I like your book wallpaper.
